Sunday, July 12, 2009

Travails of driving on Delhi roads….

It is a matter of significant concern that we as people seem to be losing our equanimity on the Delhi roads. One keeps reading horror stories in the newspapers, of people pulling out their guns to settle big and small provocations on the road. Our citizens occasionally pay with their lives for trifling driving errors. Even gentle, sweet old ladies recount tales of frustration when on the road .They say they feel really angry and stressed in many situations, for example, when some vehicle cuts across in front of them without warning or drivers simply ignore traffic lights. They feel certain that had they been men, they would have also been tempted to deliver a solid walloping to the driver in question. Our roads, on which we spend so much time seem conducive to developing the aggressive sides of our personalities and bringing out Changez Khan like warrior instincts in otherwise harmless souls. Since we need to use the road to get from any point to another, we can well imagine what frame of mind it puts us in to conduct our daily activities and probably gives a subtly negative balance to our feelings.

People thought about reversing this trend. Sometime ago, the Delhi police carried out an interesting campaign. They printed the word “relax” across the red light in traffic signals. They campaigned to the public that instead of viewing the wait at the red light as a stress factor causing delays, it could actually be a time to recoup and recharge one’s energy. The idea was rather delightful and a much needed one. But the ground reality is, the traffic light is actually one of the most stressful areas on the road. Relaxing is just about the last thing possible. If perchance, your car windows are up and you are peacefully waiting for the light to change, a persistent tapping will start on the window – someone begging or wanting to sell their wares. It will not go away with time, shaking of your head (indicating a “no”) or any other means, till your nerves are completely frazzled. If, on the contrary, the windows are left open, things are thrust through for you to buy, and you are also in the vulnerable position of having your belongings being stolen from the adjacent seat. Also,there is the dilemma of whether to indulge the child beggar at your window. If you share a fruit with one child, several children miraculously appear, making you feel like the pied piper of Hamlin and far outstripping your fruits supply. If you don’t part with anything, the small face keeps looking at you beseechingly till even the most hardened of us melt. Thus at the red light, with multiple dilemmas crowding your mind - what position should your car window be at, to give or not to give, will you accidentally drive over a small child when the light signal changes, where is the scope to relax ??

On a typical day on the roads, the drive to one’s office can be quite challenging. Apart from discourteous or suicidal drivers, and the traffic light problems discussed above, there can be various combinations of bad luck. The worst case scenario: the traffic lights at a particular crossing may not be working ! Most of us regrettably are at our worst in this situation. Every person pushes their car thoughtlessly into any space that opens up (in any direction). The web of complexity of cars is to a degree that would rival the Chakravyuh in the Mahabharat. And sadly, there are no Abhimanyus to sort out this one ! Precious minutes are lost, appointments go awry, and all have just about given up hope of any productive time left at the office when the cops finally surface and (slowly, painfully and with several dented bumpers) unravel the jam.

In case you are wilting under the summer heat and saying prayers…beware lest your prayers be answered ! If perchance it rains, some streets of Delhi (which have an exceptionally poor drainage system - and several areas would fit this bill ) get transformed into Venice. Except that our regular motor cars do not make very good Gondolas and typically the engines cough, splutter and slow down on the waterlogged road before falling omiously silent.

Even while on a long, lightless stretch one is not at peace.You are jolted from the newspaper article you are enjoying because suddenly, the driver has applied brakes sharply. The situation seems to be that the auto/car in front turned/changed lanes suddenly without any indicator. Intentions are never declared on the roads. Driving is just like a teenagers romance…always keep the other person guessing. If one decides to buck the prevailing trend and actually gives the indicator, this could prove to be highly risky as the cars/scooters behind take this as a cue to seize the opportunity to quickly dash past before one can even make the turn- rather than slowing down !Of course many have done away with the concept of indicators completely and believe in sticking out their arms/hands (brave souls !) at the last minute when contemplating a turn. They thus put the onus of anticipating a turn completely on the driver of the car behind who has to watch the outline of the vehicle in front very carefully at every potential juncture to see if any digit/ limb comes flying out of the side !

The MCD likes you to have a feel of familiarity about the daily path traversed by you. Dead carcasses and storm-felled trees are left for as long as they possibly can so that motorists can have many of these natural landmarks to guide them to their destination. It provides an outstanding opportunity for biology students to study processes of decomposition of dead bodies over time.If only, many precious hours were not wasted due to ensuing road blocks and our nostrils were not assailed to the point of being unable to distinguish odours!

If we add to these factors, the endless construction which is happening – metro, flyovers et al and the ensuant delays, we find it nothing short of a miracle to be actually able to reach our destination in a somewhat reasonable time frame, day after day.

In short, there is absolutely no point, time or place on the road where one can actually relax.

At the end of this long and tiring drive you arrive at your office ready to face the day and its challenges. Some of us will have already exhausted our patience and energy reserves by this time. The more optimistic would say that this experience would have sharpened their skills for facing the rest of the day ! You choose…..

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