Thursday, March 4, 2010

Transcript of conversations with the police after the robbery at the clinic last year.

Dr Anjali Mehta

The police officer, Mr RS, who has courteously come to the clinic himself, is invited to sit in my (AM) chamber. The landlord’s son (LS) is also present.

Mr RS : So tell me madam, how can I help you ?

AM : Well you’ve been assigned to investigate this case I hear. If you could get us the formal FIR registered which you assured these people you would once I returned… and generally solve this case, and help recover the stuff/ catch the culprits etc.

RS : Why do you want an FIR registered ? Its just a piece of paper. Whats more important is the case. What exactly would you like me to do about the case ?

AM : (feeling he should be the one outlining what he wants to do but ready to offer ideas anyway) : For starters, why don’t you question the neighbours ? There was a big break in, a part of the wall was torn down, heavy objects were removed…. surely someone must have heard some noise ?

RS : Madam, there is not much point in questioning neighbours. They can be very rude to the police. Last time we questioned the neighbours of a gentleman who had been robbed, the neighbours were very uncooperative and asked us whether they were his security guards or what ? Why should they keep tabs on the going ons and coming ons at his house? What is the point madam of getting mixed up with someones neighbours ? !

AM: Surely you can be firm and ask them to respect the uniform and answer your questions properly ?

RS :Nobody listens nowadays, all act rude.

AM; but you should not let rudeness deter you from your duty. I also pray that I run into polite people everyday but one always gets a mixed bag ! How are you going to get information if you don’t ask ?

Anyway, I have a list of suspects. I think we need to question the people who came to install the air conditioner at the back as they were privy to the layout.

RS : Okay madam, you ring them and summon them here, Ill talk to them in front of you.

AM : Mr RS, I don’t think the clinic is an appropriate place to question suspects.. suggest you call them to the police station at your leisure or question them on their own premises !

LS : Mr RS, surely you don’t want the lady doctor to be mixed up with your questioning ? She is right. You cant suddenly call people to a clinic to question them !

AM : (trying a new tack) I believe the finger-print squad which came here the first day lifted a print or two… why don’t you compare them with your criminal records.. might help ?

RS; Ha ! You are talking about criminals commiting crimes…. madam.. are you aware of the profile of people commiting crimes nowadays ? (Long story sbout a national level player commiting a crime etc). Its ordinary folk who are indulging in crimes nowadays….where and who do we look for ?

AM : But the average person does not have the guts to break walls, or the tools and sophistication to cut grills and unhinge locked doors… Surely it smacks of experience in this field…..but anyhow….if you feel its futile, don’t compare the prints is all I can say !

RS : I didn’t say that….

AM ( not clear what he meant so changes topic) : Another suggestion I can make is that I will give you the manufacturing numbers of the computer, AC etc and you could float it in the gray market. If anyone sells the stuff locally, there is a chance the shopkeeper may alert you and they may be caught…

RS: Fair enough madam… why don’t you provide me with the addresses,and phone numbers of the shops in this area that deal in second hand goods and I will circulate these to them.

LS (incredulous): do you seriously expect madam here to know that ? And isn’t it your job to have an inkling of this stuff ? Why on earth should madam be doing your homework for you ?

AM : Mr RS, it seems my suggestions are not helpful to you. Forget about them. Tell me, when there is a robbery, what is the standard protocol you follow ? Just apply that.

RS: (total silence)

AM: Tell me, what is the normal procedure ?

RS : (total silence)

AM : RS ji, say something…

RS : Well madam, solving any crime is pretty futile for the police. (He launches into stories about how the police supposedly solved some cases but were accused of incompetence , how things backfire, poor police, dogs life etc . AM keeps listening and offers him some water, tea thinking all the while that it is becoming rather like a counselling session with AM as therapist and RS crying on her shoulder.

He also tries to suggest that robberies happen all the time.. he cant see what the fuss is about in the first place… )

AM : (weary, 45 mts later). I heard all you said for the past hour and a half. I appreciate your concerns. Don’t solve the crime. I don’t want anything back if it’s such an effort. Just send someone to my clinic a couple of times in uniform so that people notice police are around . So that it acts as a deterrent. People should not get the feeling that robbing is easy and one can just help oneself to another’s stuff with impunity.Yes, robberies happen often. But, one can regulate who goes in and out of one’s home (friends/relatives etc). However, how can one regulate who enters a clinic and with what secret intent ? A doctor cannot refuse to entertain someone’s medical issues because they look sinister or something. All are welcome equally. It’s a public place so doctor’s are always vulnerable… Its your duty to at least patrol the place once in a while….

RS: Madam the beat is large.. have you kept a security guard ?

LS: Nobody in this entire area has we felt it was unnecessary and would draw attention instead…

RS : Well if you haven’t even kept a guard then what security measures have you taken ?

LS : There are walls, grills etc. Surely heavy iron grills are deemed deterrents….

RS : If there’s no guard, its quite obvious why you were robbed !

LS ( Not clear if this meant that people who don’t have guards deserve to be robbed ) but…but…

AM : (feeling a bit cross). Mr RS, we have talked at length for over an hour. I have a concern. I have not heard a single statement from your side reassuring me that you intend to help me in any way. Is that to be my take home message from this conversation ? Show some concern for what has happened….

RS : Madam , I will help you.

AM: (Not convinced ). Ok, lets see how the case progresses… When should I touch base with you next ?

RS : Anytime madam….

The next few weeks were fairly harrowing with several strange conversations (documented elsewhere) with various police officers. They played loads of ping pong with us and it took us close to 4 weeks ( with help from journalists and RWAs) to just get the FIR registered. People said they must have wanted a bribe. I reasoned that if the thieves took money and also the police then what was the difference between them ? I did not have the inclination or means to fund two sets of heists !

We bought new stuff to replace the old . The AC people thought I was strange because I absolutely refused to allow them to put the compressor outside. They went on and on reasoning about the hot air then finally agreed to put it in the washing room after the staff whispered in their ear that I had been recently robbed so was in a vulnerable frame of mind. They then did their job quietly and would come and throw kind glances in my direction!

The only security we have currently is getting items insured . We are also looking for a security guard. The people who’ve offered their services thus far are feeble looking and we feel concerned for their safety.The search is on..The neighbours feel an armed guard is better but one feels worried about trigger happy folk…

The neighbours are talking about a suspicious character they saw around but who will question/apprehend this person ? Anyway life goes on…..

1 comment:

N. Sampath Kumar said...

Perhaps the cops feel that getting robbed is a status symbol; and one shouldn't complain about one's skyrocketing popularity in the neighbourhood, and the publicity campaign accompanying it that makes one famous in the area:)